If you are suffering from a simple toothache, it can often be relieved by rinsing the mouth with water to clear it of debris and other matter. Many times, a toothache is simply caused by a lodged piece of debris. When you have a toothache, avoid using an aspirin between the gum and the tooth to relieve the pain. Dissolving aspirin can actually harm, instead of help, your gum tissues.

Broken, Displaced, or Fractured Teeth
If your tooth has broken, displaced, or fractured, do not panic. It is important to keep a clear head and to think quickly.

If the tooth was knocked out, give the dentist a call immediately and try to put the tooth back in place while waiting to see the dentist. Remember to first rinse your mouth to remove blood and other debris, and then place a cold compress or cloth on the cheek close to the injury to help keep swelling down.

If the tooth cannot be placed back in its socket, hold the tooth by the crown (top), not the root. Then put the tooth in a jar or cup full of saline, warm milk, or the victim’s saliva. Do not remove the tooth until you are at the dentist’s office or the emergency room.

Fractured teeth require a mouth rinse with warm water and cold compress or cloth applied to the cheek, close to the injury. If necessary, ibuprofen can be used to help manage swelling. If the fracture is minor, the dentist may sand or restore the tooth if the pulp is not too damaged.

For children who have a loose primary tooth, try having the child bite down gently on a piece of caramel or an apple; in some cases, the tooth will come right off!