The procedure to receive your dentures requires several visits to the practice that are scheduled over the course of several weeks. Within these scheduled visits, accurate molds will be taken to provide custom-made dentures. Preliminary fitting appointments may be necessary to provide optimum outcome in the shaping, color, and fitting of the denture. At the final appointment, the dentures will be ready for adjustment and to be placed by the dentist for a natural and comfortable fit.

Please provide adjustment time for your muscles and tissues to become familiar to the new dentures. During this temporary adjustment period, it is common to experience an increase of saliva flow, soreness, and possible speech and chewing difficulty. Keep in mind this is normal and, in time, your mouth will be fully healed and adjusted.

Additional instructions regarding the care and maintenance of your dentures will be given by the dentist. Proper cleaning and hygiene will help with the longevity of your dentures.